Paper Group

Paper Group

Our company, producing chocolate labels for Turkey's leading brands from the inception thereof until present realizes printing, gilding, spot lacquer in high circulations and with high cutting capacity and produces over 20 million labels in total including 5 million gilded labels per week. 

Packaging which has a big role in sales of the products are produced in a more attractive way compared to that of its competitors on the shelves with smooth implementation of the design, integration with printing inks, enrichment with gold gilding on the print and completion with local effect lacquer and embossing. 

Our manufacturing capabilities in this field, our perfect production, our timely delivery and our appropriate price policy have made our company a preferred company in the market among the other companies. 

Although all labels produced in our company do not directly contact with food, production is made completely with the conventional system printing and water-based lacquer suitable for food production.Information Repository get more detailed information from